Monday, November 14, 2011

When Pencil Meets Paper

Just a little stream of consciousness session I had a few weeks back, decided I'd post it.


Free thinking, thoughts flowing down my arm and to my fingertips,
The pencil is on the page, and its motion should remain continuous,
The train is coming, so lay the tracks down.
I look out the window and see a dreary, rainy night.
Empty sidewalks, guess no one has a reason to leave their room and head elsewhere.
Neither do I.

Stationed at my desk, headphones on, monitor displaying dazzling colors and patterns.
I get lost in the colors, the lines, the circles, the swirls, the fluid motion.
Not much else to do in these situations but let the mind wander.
The urge to create is intense.
Whether to arrive at some new perspective or outlook,
to find that perfect blend of notes to create new music,
to find a way to convert the kaleidoscope of thoughts into words.
That last one I tend to do a bit more delicately, but perhaps breaking down the barriers and letting the words spill out unchallenged will provide something new, something fresh.

Random thought, but I have been noticing the beauty of life more and more these days,
The irony of certain situations, the subtle humor life sends your way,
The sequences of daily comfort, stressful situations, and personal escapes.
It's such a fascinating life we all live.
Spinning our spider web and connecting ourselves to the other souls we deem important.
The feelings and emotions we attach to everything, it is all so intriguing.
We move through life with a certain sense of entitlement, as if the world owes us, but really we are entitled to nothing.
We simply have the option to observe, to ponder, to create,
and in turn, we construct whatever little picture of the world we want.
Life is just a constant attempt to make the picture you are most comfortable with,
The one that seems to make the most sense.

You know, I just broke the rule.
The pencil left the paper, I stopped and took a quick read of what I've said.
"I bet this will sound like jumbled chaos," was what I was thinking.
And it kind of did.
But still, their seemed like a sense of continuity to it.
I suppose I would see the correlation between it all,
These are my thoughts after all.
At times, I wonder if others are able to see what I see.
I like to think that  I can find the correct words to convey the thoughts in my head;  I have been trying to at least.
As much as the thoughts are my own and can never truly be anyone else's, I feel it is essential to share the thoughts and ideas you deem most critical.
It gives others a deeper look into who you are, an opportunity to see past the surface that is all the average eye sees.

There is such a collection of people out there, the diversity is beyond comprehension.
Beyond, there lies a universe of a size that is vastly beyond reckoning.
Phenomena of an order past our ability to understand happen at all times throughout our evolving cosmos.
Yet every atom, every gaseous, nebulous cloud, each star within each galaxy within each cluster, every particle, every chunk of rock, every life form, every mind is all bound together by some illusive cosmic glue.
I have felt it, we are all it, and hopefully one day we will all have the power to recognize it.
At times, it tries to reveal itself to us, and yet we fight it, we desperately resist it, that thing which is so powerful it is almost overwhelming.
But one day, it WILL overwhelm us.
It will lose its patience and will make itself known to all.
And when it does, love will prosper.

My head is like a pinball machine, thoughts bouncing all over the place.
I try to connect the dots, but keeping up sometimes seems futile.
That is why I feel it may be best to not even try.
It is impossible to follow a specific, direct line of thoughts to the answer you are truly looking to find.
All you can expect and hope for is a general transformation of your thinking over time, a noticeable movement of ideas toward something, a trend line that points somewhere.
You cannot actually reach it, but in the end, do you really want to?
Life is about the search, a search that fails to end.
Surely finding the answers would leave life a bit stale.
It would fill our lives with a certain stagnation that we wish to avoid.
We crave progression, so it's a good thing that life consistently progresses and moves forward without asking if we mind.

I suppose there has been something rather refreshing about this.
A nice little personal adventure of spontaneous creativity.
No worries of making sure my ideas are well-sculpted and presentable to the outside world.
No eyes that observe what I do and need to be satisfied.
No need to even really satisfy myself.
Just an attempt to find a more fulfilling way to spend some free time.
In a way, it has been therapeutic.
I feel at ease and very content with myself, my life, and my surroundings.
Life will move forward from here, and I will have the opportunity to take something away from each new experience, even the bad ones.
Especially the bad ones.
All knowledge is beautiful if you simply let it be.
One particular piece of knowledge has become increasingly apparent for me in recent months.
Life is beautiful, we are all connected in some way, and love is plentiful.
So wherever you are, there is no need to worry.
You will find love, and that's if it doesn't find you first.

I am finding that I can do this without end, but perhaps it may be time to stop.
I have managed to express many things that were taking refuge in my head.
I feel a certain sense of clarity, something I am not all too familiar with.
Time to let things get cluttered up there again, until it becomes time for them to burst out and emerge to the outside world, where they will then float, float, float, float, float, float, float away...


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