Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Soul Searching"

I've been doing quite a bit of thinking lately,
Thinking about myself, prodding away at my own mind,
Trying to chip away to find what lies beneath the surface.
Soul searching some might call it, but you need a soul to do that.
I'm not so sure I have one, or that anyone does for that matter.

Or at least I wasn't so sure.

I've learned a great deal about myself recently.
I have a greater appreciation for who I am, I have found my happiness.
Most importantly, I have come to my own spiritual revelation of sorts.
For the first time, I truly feel that there is something separate from the body,
Some consciousness that exists independently from the body,
Something that permeates beyond just the physical self.

I suppose now I've found that soul of mine.

Time to unearth what secrets it's been keeping from me.


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